Let's just start by saying, yesterday's run was horrible. Saturday night started with me saying I wouldn't be out late as I had to run the next day...I got home around 2.30am. I also said I wouldn't drink much...I spent £35. Although I didn't feel really hungover, I was tired and dehydrated which meant going for a run was the last thing I wanted to do. Add in the fact that on Saturday it snowed a lot and the pavements were either slush or compacted snow, so my feet would get cold and wet, or I would fall on my ass. Jack came home from a run however and told me the pavements are fine, excuse gone.
After suitably hydrating, I headed out. It was clear after 2 miles that I should have take water with me as I was still suffering. The run was made easier however by the views. The snow automatically makes everything prettier and it was lovely to see how many people were out in Bellahouston park sledging and making snowmen. This definitely made miles 3-4 more bearable. After mile 4 I realised I still had 2 miles until I was home, I wanted to cry. I was desperate for some water and as I probably still had alcohol in my system, I was boiling hot. I joked to Jack when I was home that I was close to eating snow and putting it under my hat to cool down!
I managed to get back, only walking a couple of times, and collapsed on the floor as soon I was in the door. Jack was and ever so supporting husband and took a picture of this! I will not be planning a hungover run again any time soon...
Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.