Let's start this blog off with some introductions, although I'm not entirely sure who will be reading this! I'm Vicki, 26, living in Glasgow, Scotland, recently married and about to training for my first marathon. That will be the London Marathon 2016 to be precise. I signed up for London through the ballot system, as I have done for the past 4 years although I have never got a space. This year however, feeling inspired after watching my fiance (now husband) Jack run in London this year, I decided I would just do it and apply for a charity place. I applied only to Barnardo's as it is a charity I have worked with through my job in the past and they do fantastic work with disadvantaged children and families. Luckily I got one of their golden bond places and I am now on #teambarnardos!
My marathon running husband and I - London 2015
Since I have never trained for a marathon and I can see this being a bit of an epic battle I thought I would start a blog to document it all. There's a few different reasons I've decided to do this - 1. To give me something to do on my days off. I currently work shift work, so for me full time hours is 3 long shifts a week, giving me 4 days off. Great if my days off are at the weekend when my husband, friends and family are around, bad when it's the week day and everyone else is at work. Hopefully this will give me a creative outlet to keep me amused on my days off. 2. To hold myself accountable and celebrate the achievements. By writing a blog I can look and see how little or how far I have come and give myself a kick up the butt or a pat on the back! 3. To raise awareness for Barnardo's and aid my fundraising. Having a charity place means I have to raise £1800 by April 2016. I already have over £600 so making good way with it and I'm sure more people will want to donate to this amazing charity. So that's my little introduction and my training starts today. As I type this in fact I am still in bed, looking at the weather outside and wondering whether I actually want to go a run, in Glasgow today it is cold and very windy. I've promised myself I will though and today it's just a short 20 minute jog but at the moment, having not trained in ages, that seems a bit daunting. I will touch on my running/fitness history in another post and how I got to this point (it's not very long to be honest!) but for now it's just a quick hello. Vicki x https://www.justgiving.com/Vicki-Rennie3/
Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.