So this post starts with a confession...week 1 in my training and I missed a run. Whoops. I only ran just over 7km last week. Double whoops. It was yesterday's run I missed, I had come off of a double shift (a double shift for me means 48 hours at my work, working for 32 of those hours and sleeping the rest), I had a terrible night sleep at my work due to the howling wind and rain, and when I got home I had errands to run and wanted to spend time with my lovely husband. So I didn't run. But it's okay, at this point in my plan I feel like I can do this without feeling too guilty, I am only running three times a week at the moment so fitting in an extra run to make up for it isn't too much of an issue. I know some people would feel guilty about missing a run, and definitely later when the training gets more intense and important (long run Sundays I'm looking at you) I will be aiming not to miss any runs at all. However for now I am trying to ease myself back into running. Lazy Girl Running put up a blog post the other day written by her sister in which she said she was still learning to enjoy running, this is after having run for a year (the post is great by the way, have a read). I could relate to this, running doesn't come naturally to me and enjoying it is certainly a pipe dream at the moment. By beating myself up about missing one 30 minute run is only going to make me feel bad, and that's going to suck the enjoyment out of it which is the total opposite of what I am trying to do! They say it takes about 21 days to form a new habit, I have a feeling it will take longer with running so I'm giving myself a break with this one. Not to miss out completely though, I am going to do yesterday's run today and I have already text the husband to ask him to run with me after work, that way he will make sure I go out!
Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.