Let's just start by saying, yesterday's run was horrible. Saturday night started with me saying I wouldn't be out late as I had to run the next day...I got home around 2.30am. I also said I wouldn't drink much...I spent £35. Although I didn't feel really hungover, I was tired and dehydrated which meant going for a run was the last thing I wanted to do. Add in the fact that on Saturday it snowed a lot and the pavements were either slush or compacted snow, so my feet would get cold and wet, or I would fall on my ass. Jack came home from a run however and told me the pavements are fine, excuse gone.
After suitably hydrating, I headed out. It was clear after 2 miles that I should have take water with me as I was still suffering. The run was made easier however by the views. The snow automatically makes everything prettier and it was lovely to see how many people were out in Bellahouston park sledging and making snowmen. This definitely made miles 3-4 more bearable. After mile 4 I realised I still had 2 miles until I was home, I wanted to cry. I was desperate for some water and as I probably still had alcohol in my system, I was boiling hot. I joked to Jack when I was home that I was close to eating snow and putting it under my hat to cool down!
I managed to get back, only walking a couple of times, and collapsed on the floor as soon I was in the door. Jack was and ever so supporting husband and took a picture of this! I will not be planning a hungover run again any time soon...
Frosty morning this Saturday. As I prepared to go to Falkirk Parkrun as I was coming off shift I checked the Facebook page repeatedly until it was confirmed that it was indeed still on. Arriving early, I had a little look around the park. I was told by the husband that it was a lovely Parkrun and he did not lie. The run starts at the beautiful Callander House which is a beautiful old mansion, then, after a little bit on gravel, goes up through trails, back down past a golf course before going back into the trails and back the way you came. A really lovely setting for a Parkrun. However, what the husband did not tell me was the horrible hill that comes in the middle, heartbreak hill they called it at the run breifing. Oh my, I felt like my whole body might break going up it, even walking up my legs burned and my chest heaved! However, this does mean that there is a relaxing downhill before the last stretch which helped my poor, tired legs.
My time at this week's Parkrun wasn't as good as last week however, I was running with someone who hasn't run in a log time and it was icy underfoot. Hopefully we can go back soon and improve on our time. All in all, it was a great first time at Falkirk Parkrun, well organised and friendly event, as all Parkrun's are!
Oh man, I really didn't want to go out a run on this particular day. My motivation went from 10 to 0 throughout the day. I started off with good intention, I put on my running stuff at the end of my shift, preparing to go to a park which is halfway between work and home on my drive back. However, when I was nearing the park I realised I was starving. Still motivated, I drove to Waitrose, got a snack, jumped back in the car and instead of driving back to the park, I went into auto-pilot mode and drove home. Once back home I thought I may as well have lunch before going out, of course that meant I couldn't go running for another couple hours after that. By which point it was getting dark and colder and far less appealing to go for a run. However, Jack came in and kicked my whining butt out the door.
I was meant to do threshold runs today however, icy pavements put me off and I just did a 2.5 mile loop. Not as far as I should have gone probably but at least I went out and I am glad I went out. As many running people on twitter say - you never regret a run. On a side note, I am totally becoming addicted to twitter and following lots of running companies, blogs and just runners. Still not got the hang of it and I am probably the world's most boring tweeter. I always think twitter is for interesting or witty people, both of which I am not! However, I am constantly finding sources of inspiration on twitter, whether it's handy running tips, or seeing that I am not the only one struggling, it has a lovely running community.
All the colours!
So week 2 has begun. I also have been trying to be a little healthier this week and have made a meal plan using The Body Coach's Lean in 15 book. What I have tried so far has been amazing, and I am especially loving the higher carb post workout meals and the amount of food!
It's been a bit too long since I last posted on here. To be honest, it is because I fell off the wagon. Christmas and New Year is a busy time at my work, then of course my days off were busy with visiting family and other Christmassy activities. On top of this, for all of December I felt rotten, not 'off my work' ill but just a constant feeling of being tired and horrible. So this week I am calling week 1, back on the wagon week! I am going to try from now on to post at least once a week, maybe more if I have anything interesting to say. New year, new start and all that.
Monday - I came off shift this morning and was knackered. Had planned to go to the gym but spent the day on the sofa instead playing the Xbox, great start...
Tuesday, run #1 - A bit of a better start. Although I woke up with a stinking sore head and throat (still can't really shake this head cold), I text my friend to see if she wanted to run, she said yes which meant I had to. It is freezing in Glasgow at the moment which made going out all the harder but I had snazzy new leggings I got for Christmas to try out. We only ran for a couple of miles as I wasn't feeling great and it was hard being out again.
Wednesday - Today I was working, happy in the knowledge that I ran for a little bit yesterday. I had a look at the rota to see if I can fit in a half marathon before the big day but it is not done that far yet so will have to keep the boss sweet!
Thursday - Oh me, another day on the Xbox, am I turning into a teenage boy!?
Friday - The plan was to run today and then do my long run on Sunday however, my new parkrun wristband arrived in the post so I postponed my run until Saturday, easing myself back in you see.
Saturday, day 6 - Parkrun day! I have not taken part in Parkrun for over a year now, it might even be 2 years, gasp! On the walk to the park, the husband very kindly offered to run with me, instead of trying to be first home (a regular occurrence for him!). I quite enjoyed having Jack with me, however we spoke all the way round which meant I was probably going a little slower than I wanted. Lovely chat and cup of tea after with some of Jack's friends.
Couples who run together, say together!
Sunday - The first 'long run', or #LSR as I found out it was called on twitter. Today's run was in the POURING rain, it was so soggy. My beginners training plan advises a 45 minute run for the first week however, despite the rain, I was feeling good and managed an hour. I am going for time on feet, not distance at the moment but was happy with the 5 miles I completed. And there we are, back on the wagon. Hopefully I can hold on for the next 16 weeks!